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Two-Way Sync

Often users have to synchronize contents of two folders on two different machines. Two-way synchronization helps you achieve this goal.

Consider This Scenario

Consider a scenario where you have multiple web servers. You have one primary server and other two secondary servers. If a file changes on the primary server, you want that file to propagate to the secondary servers. This way in an event of a failure you can redirect users to one of the secondary servers.



Starting from version 2.2 of Syncrify, you can enable the Two-way synchronization option. Earlier versions of Syncrify could copy file in just one direction: from Syncrify client to Syncrify server. Version 2.2 can not only backup files from client to server, but can automatically update older files on the client with a newer version on the server if available.

Assume you have:

Steps to Use This Feature

The following steps assume you want to synchronize the contents of C:\wwwroot folder between all 3 machines.

Advanced Scenario

Often you want to synchronize folders with different paths. For example, the absolute path on your primary web server is C:\wwwroot but want to use F:\Inetpub\staticfiles folder on the secondary server. The following images display a screen shot of Syncrify client on both machines.

When you add folders to a profile, Syncrify Client automatically assigns a value for Remote Server Path, which is typically based on the leaf folder name. If the absolute paths are different between primary and secondary web servers, you will have to manually change this value to match with the primary machine.

In summary, following must match on every machine where you want to use Two-way sync feature.


Delete retention option is disabled when using Two-way sync. Additionally, the following statements are true: