Nov 2, 2023 12:59:27 PM

xeams 2fa

Good evening,
I broke the phone where I had the 2fa of the xeams admin user and I can no longer access the control panel, I added the string skip.2fa.from.localhost=true to the file and although I'm in localhost it asks me the 2nd one. I accept advice

Synametrics support engineer
Nov 29, 2023 9:28:35 AM

xeams 2fa


Are you using the latest version of Xeams? I ask because the flag in about skipping 2FA from localhost was added recently.

If you are already using the latest build, try renaming $INSTALL_DIR\config\TFARecs.dat file to something else. This will disable TFA for everyone; therefore, use this as a last resort.



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