Starting from version 2.3, Syncrify supports bandwidth throttling. Desired bandwidth can be specified on a per-user basis. By default, no throttling occurs.
Throttling may be necessary when the files are copied the first time. However, we strongly recommend not enabling this feature for subsequent backups where the network traffic will be significantly less.
Often administrators want to throttle because they do not want clients uploading at max network speed, which can negatively affect other users. However, Syncrify is designed to minimize network traffic by just moving the delta. It is quite possible that a delta for a 100 MB file is just 2 MB therefore, small chunks of network traffic should not be throttled.
For example a 500 MB backup that typically occurs in 6 minutes can easily take 1 hour if a bandwidth of 100 is specified. The lower the value, the slower it will take to backup. A value equal to or less than 0 will disable throttling.
Throttling will significantly reduce the speed at which backups occur. For example a 500 MB backup that typically occurs in 6 minutes can easily take 1 hour if a bandwidth of 100 is specified. The lower the value, slower it will take to backup. A value equal to or less than 0 will disable throttling.